
Today's modern homes are well-insulated and sealed to conserve energy, which means airborne pollutants have no way to escape. Home filtration can help remove particles and bioaerosols by exchanging stale, recirculated indoor air with fresh, filtered outside air. |

Diesel exhaust in a fire station is a firefighter's most significant cancer health risk and could be a serious legal liability for the fire department. From existing stations to new facilities, our totally automatic start-up and disconnect source capture systems are the recommended method for controlling exhaust emissions at your station. |

Ventilation requirements in hospitals and health care facilities are an important consideration, with particular focus on the design and maintenance of the ventilation systems and the provision of clean air to critical areas, such as infectious disease wards, and surgical areas .
There can be chemical and biological air pollution in hospitals as well as airborne allergens. SafeAir Corporation can examine and maintain your air filtration system, as well as provide upgraded filtration and air cleaning equipment.

Throughout the chemical processing industry emission abatement is a critical concern. SafeAir Corporation can understand your chemical process and help you to choose the system most appropriate for your application. We are capable of assisting in the evaluation of process emission streams and providing cleaner air emissions for your operation. |

Metalworking fluids are used to cool and lubricate the machining activity, prolong the life of the tool, carry away debris and protect the surfaces of the work pieces. Oil mist is a serious health concern. The smaller droplets can deposit into the lungs. This can off course be unhealthy and very irritating to the eye, nose and throat. Our filtering systems will remove this hazard to your employees to improve employee safety, attendance and productivity. |

Postal, shipping and warehouse operations should provide proper ventilation under all circumstances.Not only should paper dust, packing dust, and other airborne contaminants be a concern, but local exhausts and ventilation should be provided for restrooms, kitchens, janitor's closets, copy rooms, battery-charging areas, etc. SafeAir Corporation can not only provide installation and service of your air filtration products, but we can provide regular maintenance to ensure compliance with workplace standards. |

Recent research suggests that a school’s physical environment can play a major role in academic performance. Problems with heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, known as HVAC systems; insufficient cleaning or excessive use of cleaning chemicals; and other maintenance issues can trigger a host of health problems — including asthma and allergies — that increase absenteeism and reduce academic performance. SafeAir Corporation can examine and provide solutions for your school or office setting. |

As the pharmaceutical industry has grown, so too has its utilization of compressed air for breathing air, operation of equipment and instrument air. Laboratory and pharmaceutical companies have unique needs and requirements to meet FDA standards. SafeAir Corporation can examine your systems and suggest improvements or provide regular maintenance of your current air systems. We provide and install booths and extension arms for laboratory applications as well. |

The food and beverage industry extensively requires extremely
hygienic air conditions and effective cooling, to assure optimal
processing of easily perishable products. Air quality has a direct
effect here on the quality and the durability of foods and beverages. Ducting and air filtration are critical to this industry. SafeAir Corporation can install filtration and controls for your food and beverage operation. |

The handling of inks and solvents in offset lithography, flexography and screen printing operations require strict emissions and filtering controls. When was the last time you had an analysis of your air control systems? Let SafeAir Corporation retrofit or design a system to ensure your employees are working in a safe environment. |

Exposure to vehicle exhaust emissions can cause serious health problems for your employees. OSHA – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set a permissible exposure limit of 1 part of Benzene per million parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace during an 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek.
Our ventilation and filtering systems will safeguard employees and reduce exposure to harmful exhaust emissions. |

Auto body operations create hazards in chemical handling, dust exposure and sanding emissions.Be sure you are maintaining your equipment for the safety of your employees. SafeAir Corporation has filters and can provide the regular maintenance that the auto body industry requires. |

SafeAir can also provide solutions for agricultural, grain and feed operations to control dust and ventilation that will ensure employee safety. Ventilation is also a concern in an underground mine operation. The atmosphere underground is limited and confined, and can be reduced to a substandard (or even dangerous) condition if contaminants produced in the course of operations are not controlled. SafeAir Corporation will analyze your ventilation and filtration requirements and recommend a system that will safeguard your employees and your operation. |

In any automotive repair setting, engine exhaust emissions are a concern. However, in the Motor Sports and Motorcycle Repair industry, two stroke engine exhaust contains higher oil content which is a serious health concern. Be sure your shop is compliant to safety regulations concerning exhaust controls and air filtration to ensure your employee's health and safety. |

The firearms and ammunition manufacturing industry contains many concerns for worker exposure to chemical solvents, paints, sanding emissions, and machining emissions. Another serious air quality concern for ammunitions manufacturing is lead exposure. Are you providing a safe air quality environment for your workers? SafeAir Corporation installs, services and maintains air filtration and collection equipment that will ensure you are meeting OSHA standards and providing the necessary controls to keep your workers safe and productive. |

If not properly controlled, working with cement can result in skin burns, dermatitis and irritation of the nose and throat. Working with stone and concrete can generate respirable crystalline silica which if inhaled can lead to silicosis (scarring of the lung tissue). It is important to carry out a risk assessment to identify the hazards and the necessary controls to safeguard your workers. SafeAir Corporation can assist you in designing processes and activities to minimize the emission, release and spread of the stone/concrete dust to your employees. |

Aircraft manufacturing is a complex industry that requires many different processes to produce the various specialized parts used for the final product. These processes generate dust and fumes from activities such as grinding, sanding, or welding. Many of the manufacturing processes require the use of various materials that must be handled carefully. Some examples include composite materials, aluminum, titanium, and magnesium. The metals can be combustible when in dust form. Electronic component manufacturing has special concerns for high risk material handling and exposures. Solders containing lead and emissions from soldering can be harmful as well. SafeAir Corporation installs and maintains air filtration and dust collection systems that will control these processes and ensure reduction of worker exposure and increased worker safety. |